News: 8th December 2023
We are pleased to announce the release of Radar V2 forwarder V2 for the 1090MHz UK ASS-B system. Radar V2 is a significant re-write of the original code and sees many performance improvements, several bug fixes and an updated protocol.
We are implementing a phased change over from the V1 (legacy) protocol to the new V2 protocol - the aggregator handles both.
We encourage anyone running the V1 system to switch to V2 as it is slighly more efficient, slightly lower latency and uses HMAC authentication tags to protect data in transit.
Information on the Radar V2 system is here.
News: 21st December 2023
We have moved the 'radar' feeder software to Github and made it and open source project so that you can see how it works, share it, upgrade it and report bugs or request features.
Find the project at:
News: 9th January 2024
We now have new status pages for aircraft, receivers running the 'darad' feeder protocol and peers using the Beast Reduce Plus protocol.
Aircraft status infomation:
Aircraft Status
Receiver status infomation:
Receiver Station Status
Beast Peer status infomation:
Beast Peer Status
Each of these status pages have sortable tables - you can sort by clicking on the column headings.